Excelsior Scholarship Application: What You Need to Know Before Applying

Excelsior Scholarship Application: What You Need to Know Before Applying


The Excelsior Scholarship Program is a great opportunity for students from families with an income of $125,000 or less per year to attend SUNY or CUNY colleges without paying tuition fees. This article aims to provide a complete guide to the Excelsior Scholarship application process, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to apply successfully.

Understanding the application process is crucial for prospective applicants as it can significantly impact their ability to access higher education. By explaining the eligibility criteria, required documents, and essential tips for a successful application, this article aims to make the process easier to understand and help individuals who want to take advantage of this scholarship opportunity.

It’s important to understand how the Excelsior Scholarship application works so you can increase your chances of getting this valuable financial support. The deadline for applying for the 2024-2025 academic year is coming up, so it’s important to be well-prepared and know what you need to do.

Let’s start by looking at what exactly the Excelsior Scholarship Program is and how it can benefit you.

What is the Excelsior Scholarship Program?

The Excelsior Scholarship Program is a tuition-free degree program offered by the state of New York. It is specifically designed to make higher education more accessible for residents of New York State who wish to attend a SUNY (State University of New York) or CUNY (City University of New York) college.

Explanation of the Excelsior Scholarship Program

The Excelsior Scholarship Program was introduced in the fall of 2017 with the goal of providing free tuition for middle-class New Yorkers. It covers the cost of tuition at SUNY and CUNY colleges, allowing eligible students to pursue their education without the burden of tuition fees.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship Program, applicants must meet certain criteria, including:

  • Residency: Applicants must be residents of New York State.
  • Income: The program has income restrictions, with an annual income cap of $125,000 or less.
  • Academic Performance: Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and complete a minimum number of credits per year.
  • Continuous Enrollment: Recipients must be continuously enrolled in their program of study.
  • Post-Graduation Commitment: Upon graduation, recipients are required to live and work in New York State for a specific period.

Benefits of the Program

The Excelsior Scholarship Program offers numerous benefits to eligible students, including:

  • Tuition-free education: The program covers the cost of tuition at SUNY and CUNY colleges.
  • Financial relief: By eliminating tuition fees, the program helps reduce the financial burden on students and their families.
  • Access to higher education: The program aims to make college more accessible for middle-class students in New York State.
  • Opportunities for career advancement: By obtaining a degree without the worry of tuition costs, students can focus on their studies and prepare for future career opportunities.

The Excelsior Scholarship Program serves as a valuable resource for eligible students, allowing them to pursue higher education and achieve their academic goals without the burden of tuition fees.

Understanding the Eligibility Requirements

The Excelsior Scholarship Program offers an excellent opportunity for eligible students to attend a state-operated SUNY or CUNY college tuition-free. To ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements and maximize your chances of receiving this scholarship, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the criteria. In this section, we will delve into the various eligibility requirements for the Excelsior Scholarship Application.

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1. Residency Requirement

One of the primary eligibility criteria for the Excelsior Scholarship is being a resident of New York State. To meet this requirement, you must demonstrate that you have established residency in New York State. Here’s how you can prove your residency:

  • Proof of New York State Residency: You will be required to provide documentation that proves your New York State residency. Acceptable documents include a valid New York State driver’s license, a non-driver identification card issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, or a voter registration record.
  • Acceptable Documents for Proving Residency: In addition to the above-mentioned documents, other acceptable forms of proof include utility bills (gas, electric, water), lease or rental agreements, mortgage statements, property tax bills, bank statements, or official government mail delivered to your New York State address.

It is important to note that you must be able to provide these documents in your name or as a dependent on someone else’s tax return if you are claiming residency based on their address. Ensuring that you have the necessary documentation ready when applying for the Excelsior Scholarship can streamline the application process and prevent any delays.

By meeting the residency requirement and providing appropriate documentation, you can establish your eligibility for the Excelsior Scholarship Program. Remember to carefully review the list of acceptable documents provided by the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) to ensure that you have all necessary proofs readily available.

In the next section, we will discuss another important eligibility requirement for the Excelsior Scholarship Program: the income requirement. Understanding this criterion is crucial to determine your eligibility and make the most of this incredible opportunity.

2. Income Requirement

To be eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship, applicants must meet certain income requirements. Here’s what you need to know about the income requirement for the Excelsior Scholarship application:

How to Meet the Income Requirement

  • The Excelsior Scholarship program is designed to provide tuition-free education for middle-class New Yorkers with an income of up to $125,000 per year.
  • To meet the income requirement, applicants must demonstrate that their family’s adjusted gross income (AGI) falls within the specified limits.
  • The AGI includes taxable income from all sources, such as wages, salaries, tips, interest, dividends, and business or farm profits.

Income Limit for Eligibility

  • The income limit for eligibility is determined by the number of members in the applicant’s household. The larger the household size, the higher the income limit.
  • For example, a household with one member can have an annual income of up to $125,000 to be eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship. However, a household with four members can have an annual income of up to $225,000.

Required Documentation to Prove Income Level

  • Applicants must provide documentation to prove their income level. This may include tax returns, W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and other relevant financial documents.
  • It is important to gather all required documentation before starting the application process to ensure a smooth and efficient submission.

By understanding and meeting the income requirement for the Excelsior Scholarship application, you can increase your chances of receiving this valuable tuition assistance. Make sure to gather all necessary documents and accurately report your family’s income to demonstrate your eligibility for this program.

3. Academic Performance Requirement

The Excelsior Scholarship Program has specific eligibility requirements, including academic performance. To meet this requirement, you must:

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress: You are required to complete a minimum number of credits per year to remain eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship. It’s essential to stay on track with your coursework and maintain a good academic standing.
  • Minimum Credit Requirement: You need to complete 30 credits each year to fulfill the academic performance requirement for the scholarship. This demonstrates your commitment to your education and progress toward your degree.
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Meeting these academic performance requirements is crucial for maintaining eligibility for the Excelsior Scholarship. It ensures that you are making consistent progress toward completing your degree while benefiting from this program.

4. Continuous Enrollment Requirement

The continuous enrollment requirement is a vital component of the Excelsior Scholarship application process. Understanding the significance of continuous enrollment is crucial in meeting the eligibility criteria for this scholarship.

Importance of Continuous Enrollment

  • Maintaining continuous enrollment demonstrates your commitment to your education and fulfills the requirements of the Excelsior Scholarship.
  • Continuous enrollment ensures that you are making steady progress towards completing your degree, aligning with the program’s objective of supporting students throughout their college journey.
  • The concept of continuous enrollment is not exclusive to the Excelsior Scholarship; it is also important in various other academic settings, such as those outlined in the graduate policies of certain institutions or even when accessing benefits like the GI Bill, as explained in this SCO Handbook.

By adhering to the continuous enrollment requirement, you not only meet an essential condition for eligibility but also showcase your dedication to academic advancement and achievement. This underscores the value of consistent and uninterrupted pursuit of your educational goals, reflecting positively on your scholarship application.

5. Post-Graduation Commitment Requirement

In addition to providing tuition assistance, the Excelsior Scholarship program also includes certain requirements that must be met after graduation, such as a post-graduation commitment requirement. Familiarizing yourself with this obligation is crucial when applying for the Excelsior Scholarship, as it plays a significant role in maintaining eligibility and avoiding any potential consequences.

Understanding the Post-Graduation Commitment Requirement

The post-graduation commitment requirement entails that recipients of the Excelsior Scholarship must live and work in New York State for a duration equal to the number of years they received the scholarship. For instance, if you receive the scholarship for four years, you must reside and be employed within New York State for four years following graduation.

The purpose of this commitment is to encourage graduates to contribute to New York State’s economy and workforce. By requiring recipients to stay in the state after completing their education, the program aims to retain talented individuals who can contribute to its growth and development.

Consequences of Not Fulfilling the Commitment

Failing to fulfill the post-graduation commitment requirement can have serious consequences. If a recipient does not meet this obligation, their Excelsior Scholarship will convert into a loan that must be repaid in full. This conversion from a scholarship to a loan can lead to significant financial burdens for students who are unable to fulfill the commitment due to various reasons such as job opportunities outside of New York State or personal circumstances.

It is essential to carefully consider your plans and career goals before accepting the Excelsior Scholarship. If you are uncertain about your ability or willingness to stay in New York State after graduation, it may be wise to explore other scholarship options or discuss your concerns with a school counselor or advisor who can provide guidance based on your specific situation.

To highlight some alternatives, you may also want to consider options such as the National Health Service Corps Scholarship for those pursuing healthcare careers, the Change of Major process at LSU for students looking to switch fields, or even programs like the Career and College Promise in North Carolina that offer enhanced opportunities in education.

By understanding and acknowledging the post-graduation commitment requirement, you can make an informed decision about pursuing the Excelsior Scholarship and ensure that you are prepared to fulfill this obligation if awarded the scholarship.

Tips for a Successful Excelsior Scholarship Application

When applying for the Excelsior Scholarship, it’s crucial to approach the process strategically to maximize your chances of success. Here are some essential tips to guide you through the application process:

  1. Start the Application Process Early: Begin your application well in advance of the deadline to avoid last-minute stress and ensure you have ample time to gather all necessary documents.
  2. Gather All Required Documents Beforehand: Take inventory of all the documentation required for the application, such as proof of residency, income verification, and academic records. Having these prepared in advance will streamline the application process.
  3. Seek Assistance from School Counselors or Advisors: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your school’s counselors or advisors for guidance and support during the application process. They can help clarify any uncertainties and provide valuable insights.
  4. Double-Check the Application Before Submission: Thoroughly review your completed application to ensure that all sections are accurately filled out and that you have included all necessary documents. This step can help prevent avoidable errors that may impact your eligibility.
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By following these tips, you can navigate the Excelsior Scholarship application process with confidence and diligence, positioning yourself for a successful outcome.

Additional Resources and Support for Excelsior Scholarship Applicants

When applying for the Excelsior Scholarship Program, it’s essential to have access to reliable resources and support to navigate the application process successfully. Here are some valuable sources of information and assistance for applicants:

Official HESC Website

The official website of the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) is a primary source of detailed information about the Excelsior Scholarship Program. It provides comprehensive guidance on eligibility criteria, application procedures, required documentation, and important deadlines. You can access official forms, guidelines, and contact information for further inquiries.

Other Sources of Support and Guidance

In addition to the HESC website, applicants can seek support from various other sources. School counselors or advisors at SUNY or CUNY colleges can offer personalized assistance tailored to your specific circumstances. They can provide insights into the application process, offer advice on gathering required documents, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Additionally, reaching out to current or past recipients of the Excelsior Scholarship can provide valuable firsthand experiences and tips for a successful application.

By leveraging these resources and seeking support from knowledgeable sources, you can enhance your understanding of the Excelsior Scholarship Program and ensure that you are well-prepared to submit a strong application.


The Excelsior Scholarship Application offers an incredible opportunity for eligible students to pursue their higher education goals without the burden of tuition expenses. By applying for this scholarship, you can take a significant step towards achieving your academic ambitions while alleviating financial concerns. Embracing this opportunity could open doors to a brighter future and empower you to focus on your studies without the added stress of college expenses.

As you navigate through the application process, remember that seeking assistance from school counselors or advisors can provide valuable insights and guidance. Starting the application process early and ensuring that all required documents are in order will streamline the process and enhance your chances of success.

Remember, the Excelsior Scholarship is designed to support students like you in pursuing their educational aspirations, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this invaluable resource. Keep your enthusiasm high and approach the application with confidence, knowing that you are investing in your future success.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Excelsior Scholarship:

1. Who is eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship?

To be eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a resident of New York State
  • Plan to attend a SUNY or CUNY college
  • Have a family income of $125,000 or less per year
  • Complete 30 credits per year towards your program of study

2. How do I apply for the Excelsior Scholarship?

You can apply for the Excelsior Scholarship online through the official website of the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC). The application is used to establish your eligibility for the scholarship.

3. Can I apply for the Excelsior Scholarship if I am already enrolled in college?

If you first enrolled in college prior to 2021, you are not eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship. However, if you are already a recipient of an Excelsior Scholarship from a previous application period, there is no need to complete a new application.

4. What documents do I need to provide as proof of residency and income?

When applying for the Excelsior Scholarship, you will need to provide certain documents as proof of residency and income. Acceptable documents for proving residency include a driver’s license, voter registration card, lease agreement, or utility bill. Required documentation to prove income level may include tax returns, W-2 forms, or other income verification documents.

5. What happens if I do not fulfill the post-graduation commitment requirement?

The post-graduation commitment requirement states that recipients of the Excelsior Scholarship must reside in New York State for a duration equal to the number of years they received the scholarship. If you fail to fulfill this commitment, your scholarship may be converted into a loan that you will be required to repay.

For more detailed information about the Excelsior Scholarship Program, including eligibility and the application process, you can visit the official website of the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).

Remember, the deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is August 31, 2024. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make college tuition-free with the Excelsior Scholarship!

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