DyEGO HENRIQUE ZUFFO, Capit أ، n of the Brazil that his team Gan أ³ this Sunday at the selection of Argentina by imposed by 2-1 in the final held at the Taskent sand smoke.
Dyego, who has militates for 11 to أ ± os in the barand with the bar أ§ on account with 3 champions leagues, 4 leagues, 4 cups of Spanish, 5 cups of the king and 3 Spanish supercops, and an am أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ
A fundamental player
The â € œ7â € of the Canarinha assumi أ³ the gallons of Brazil in the quarterfinals and in semifinals with three key goalsespecially against Ukraine, where forz أ³ the 1-1 in the own goal of Semencheko, achieved أ³ the 2-1 and the 3-2 double penalty.
Marlon Araujo, His Compa أ ± ero of the Brazilian selectionI received the silver bal أ n, and Rostyslav Semenchenko, of Ukraine, the bronze.