The friendly matches pass and The Spanish selection أ ± ± wave does not finish finding the solvency key In neither of the two porter. After paying off with a victory and a draw, the visit to Morocco and beat Hungr أ A in the Ferrol (5-1), those of Fede Vidal have returned to give the sand against a France in clear ascent (2-2) that features the Barca Tour أ ©.


(1+1): d أ dac (p.), Tomaz, Antonio, Mellado, Adolfo -Cinco Inicial-, Chemi (PS), Jes أ؛ S Herrero (PS), Catela, Boyis, Ra أ؛ L G أ³ Mez (1), Cort أ © S, Sergio Lozano, c أ © Sar, Ra أ؛ L Campos, Gordillo (1) y Javi. M أ Nguez. |
(0+2): Locoka (p.), Saadoui, Mohammed, Mohammed (1) indigenous, and Belhaj (1), Ramأrez, Chaptchet, Thaptchet, Thapchet, Mohammed, Bendali, Garros and Bensiama. |
With an irregular game, Spanish ± a empat أ³ 2-2 before a disciplined rival who empat أ³ in the last minute in the first game of the triangular of Las Rozas that will have أ، continuity on Mi أ © Rcoles at 8:30 p.m. against Costa Rica before facing with doubts the Uzbekist أ، n World Cup from September 14 to October 6.
The worst news of the last to أ ± os is that The 'red' has been humanized so much that it is able to lose against Germany, In Morocco or to give up a draw against France. Results that speak for the growth of the growth of a room to which they throw it from FIFA prevents him from choosing to be more mpic, but also of the decrease in his own level.
Espa أ ± A had trouble generating game and danger in the first half against a well -planted Gaul combined, with very physical players and with clear ideas based on defending with order and exiting quickly in cons and transitions. So much, that The Barca goalkeeper D أ Dac twice and the Saadaoui's shot post In the 12th minute they avoided 0-1.
Those of Fede Vidal were effective in the strategy with an action among Barcelona Catela and Antonio P أ © rez DERI أ³ in 1-0, work of Gordillo (Bicampe أ³ n of the Champions League with Palma). That so quiet أ³ to a Spanish team ± ol that despite this was too flat in attack.
The return match أ³ with a r أ، I ask so much of Mohammed Abdesamad against Jesus Herrero and with a shot to the Tchaptchet post. Ah أ an Antonio P أ © rez in Plan 'Chief' Invent أ³ an impossible assistance from the ground so that Ra أ؛ L G أ³ Mez firm 2-1 with a beautiful petroleum jerk.
France seeks أ³ the draw attacking with five and Belhaj established the final 2-2. Already in the last minute, Antonio could not with Louis Marquet in the 'double-penalti' Neither at the first nor in the second instance after the colleges determined that the Gallic goal had been advanced. That said, a 2-2 that knows little and does not dissipate doubts.