In the hard season that is remembered in professional sport because of the injuries, the bar أ§ to treat أ، to certify its pass to the semifinals of the league to the first without five heavyweights This Monday on the Hidalgo Manzanares cheese track at 8:45 p.m. (live for eSport3 and FEF TV) After 4-3 of the first game at Palau.
Being an exciting Monday, since the RFEF has unified the D أ as with good criteria and also be played أ، the second game in the other three qualifiers. On the Barça side of the painting, Jimbee Cartagena receives Movistar Inter at 20.15 After winning 2-4 in Torrej أ³ n.
On the other hand, The European champion Mallorca Palma Futsal Receive the JA © n for أ interior (21.30) after falling 3-2 at the olive tree and the VI أ ± a Albali Valdepe أ ± as receives ElPozo (21.00 hours) after winning in Murcia on penalties.
Jesus s Velasco could not have ferrao or the Larga Duraci أ³ n Sergio Lozano, Dyego, Sergio Gonz أ، Lez Y أپ Lexso that once the J أ³ veins, with special mentions for a tour أ q أ أ³ on Friday and that is increasingly important in the first team. Next to أ © l Be أ، n the Kokoro, Tapias, Puigvert and Compa أ ± أ a.

Catela and Adolfo are key to Jesus Velasco / Dani Barbeito
As happened أ³ in the final stretch of last season, Antonio is taking a step forward In the last days and continues to assume the gallons that correspond to it due to the spectacular conditions it has to act as a closure.
“We respect Manzanares a lot, which already demonstrates أ³ on Friday that is very dangerous. Although you will have a third game at Palau, we want to sentence in two. It is very important to save energy, because The team is very loaded and the play-offs are very hard “, comment أ³ the gaditano.
For its part, Juanlu Alonso outstanding أ³: “You have to go one by one. We have to recover from the bad feeling of the end of the game at Palau and think that this Monday we will have our people supporting. We are going to try to put the best of us again to force the third game. “