Triumph more than suffered from the Catalans on the track of Valdepe أ ± as to win the trophy much m أ، s. It was not until the last four minutes that those of Velasco could turn the encounter.


Marcaoo, Lolo, Alberto, Pol Pacheco and Abbasi -initial five. Also © have played أپ Lex Gonz أ، Lez, Boyis, Fernando, Solano, Moha, Rafael Rato, Bynho, Eric Martel, Nano, Eloy Rojas. |
D أ Dac, Antonio, Matheus, Harrison I Pito -Cinco initial-. Also © Han Jugat: Feixas, A. Coelho, Dyego, Adolfo (1), Catela, Sergio Gonza أ، Lez (1), Aniol. |
The first half initiated أ³ with prominence for the goalkeepers. Both Marcao and D أ DAC had a job to prevent their teams from fitting. The first achieved it أ³ after diverting the shots of Pito and Adolfo, in addition to seeing how a shot by Fernando ran into the wood.
I was also achieving it by Dac, until in the end Valdepe أ ± as أ that I achieve أ See Porter أ a. Nano was the author of the local goal.
From the goal, the bar Sergio Gonz أ، Lez's shot returned to meet the post.
In the second half, Velasco asked أ³ to his m أ، s effectivenessand it was not until the final stretch that they managed to fulfill the wishes of their coach.
The goals resisted until the last four minutes. Sergio Gonza أ، Lez achieved أ³ The draw after a good action of the everlasting Dyego. Four minutes were missing for the end, and the bar أ§ A did not give up أ³. Finally, I got the prize. Adolfo took advantage أ³ A Largo de Freixas service to culminate the comeback and win the trophy.