The bar أ§ A has brought out on Tuesday its competitive genest to impose themselves with authority to the Ja أ n for أ interior by 7-2 With two 'doubles' by Sergio Gonz أ، Lez and the 'Examarillo' Antonio to qualify for the final Four of Antequera next to Mallorca Palma Futsal (he expired by 4-2 to Noia Portus Apostoli).


Jaë no
(3+4): d أ dac (p.), Andr أ © Coelho, Sergio Lozano (1), Caorela, Pito (1) -Cinco Inicial-, Antonio (2), Marcenio, Matheus (1), Adolfo, Sergio Gonz أ، Lez (2), Carlos Ortiz y Marc Puigvert. |
(0+2): Spindole (p., 1'-10 '), Taborda, Menzeguez, M أ Chel, Mati Pink-Henry (PS, 11'-), Renato, Attos, Chino (1), Alan Brandi, Wanderson Y C أ © Sar (1). |
The Barça painting arrived at a delicate time after its elimination against inter in the semifinals of a spanish glass That Alber أ³ to the Jiennense team for the third time in its history. Also outside the Champions, those of Jesus Velasco played a lot more than a Four Four: its credibility.
And I do it without two of its main references, A DyEGO not to play أ، at least until mid -March and a Ferrao that already tells the d أ as to receive the discharge After rejoining this week to work with the group partially. Therefore, two realities and two different states of أ،me.
Dani Rod أ Guez's team showed up at Palau as brand new winner of the Spanish Cup and undefeated in the last 19 games in all competitions (15 victories and four draws). Meanwhile, the Catalans saw their streak of nine Victoria Ligueras in a row the past s أ، bado against Elpozo (2-3).
Well, it was the bar أ§ A of the great occasions, the team that was seen in the second part in front of the Murcians and that touted with an exceptional Juanjo. The party began أ³ vibrant and with domain of a local picture that could mark on two times of Andr أ © Coelho, Catela and Pito What disruption أ Espindola. In the other Porter أ A, D أ Dac had to appear before Chino in 4 '.

Sergio Lozano Marc أ³ A goal, 3-0 / Javi Ferr أپ Ndiz
Ah أ Mand أ³ La Pinter أ A Barca. Matheus received a pass from Marcenio, mock أ³ to his score and established أ³ 1-0 in 6 '. Only 31 seconds after, Antonio does not celebrate أ³ on 2-0 taking advantage of another send أ or Marcenio, very possibly the best pin of this team and ends contract in June. آ؟ How long did the bar أ§ a did not get ahead in a key game?
The dead time of Dani Rod أ Guez did not change أ³ the dynamic of the shock and Sergio Lozano made أ³ a ride on the left that culmina أ³ with a beautiful shot with the left -handed to beat spindel when أ؛ n had not been completed the 10th minute.
An active Catela Fall أ³ which cannot be failed in the 13 'to also pass from Matheus and only ah أ I started to take out the u ± as the ja أ © n for أ inner, which deserved to cut distances before the intermediate. However, D أ DAC was successful to Taborda's shot in 14 'and Chinese chut أ³ to post with d أ dac beaten three minutes from rest.

Pito y Chino, two face -to -face geniuses / Javi Ferr أپ Ndiz
Dani Rod أ Guez did not take long to give the Chinese goalkeeper shirt in the resumption and the locals did not take advantage of two for one with the young Marc Puigvert and Pito as actors. And instead of 4-0 I arrived أ³ on 3-1, work of c أ © sar velasco in superiority in the second stick reci أ © n Fulfilled on 23 '.
The Barca reaction was extraordinary since the possession. C أ © Sar Previdi أ³ Matheus's goal with the body and Henrique is used in auction to auctions of a great Sergio Lozano and Andr أ © Coelho. In that situation, A perfect pass from Adolfo allowed Sergio Gonz أ، Lez to establish 4-1 in 30 ' With a beautiful petroleum jerk. آ، The canterano already has 28 goals in all competitions!
Antonio could the executor of the team of his life in 31 ', although to أ؛ n ten أ to appear the Chinese wizard to score 5-2 in 34' and go to the 24 goals so far this season in a new sample of his enormous quality. The 'Yellow' table continued أ Pito sentenci أ³ with 6-2 after a rebound after making an extraordinary roulette. There were time for the premises to sign the 7.2 in the last second one, the work of a Sergio Gonza أ، Lez that already adds 29.