The Jimbee Cartagena has won 2-1 with comeback to Elpozo Murcia Costa C أ، Lida in the regional derby and equals at the top of the table in the First Division of F أ؛ Tol Sala with the bar أ§ A, with 22 points in 10 days.
Meanwhile, the whole of the capital of the Safe remains fifth with 14. The goals of Javi Mأnguez y Jesأ؛s Left In the second part they have turned the score after Gadeia will advance visitors in the first.
The regional derby أ؛ mere 50 in the league had more emotional than brilliance and takes it to him who looks for him أ³.
The meeting began with those of Eduardo Sao Thiago Lentz “Doubt” attacking and demanding Juanjo and with Elpozo defending, but an error of Chemi When a pass at the output of Bal أ³ n I take it أ³ Gadeia for the carcar of oposion.
Despite that rev أ © s the picture of the port city does not cease Javi Mأnguez y Jesأ؛s Leftor the defense and goalkeeper Granas crossed their way.
The team of Javi Rodrأguez achieve أ³ get to rest with the minimum advantage and in the first minute of the resumption Felipe Valerio He was able to expand it with a shot that crashed أ³ in the crossbar.
The Jimbee also followed Javi Mأnguez I establish the matched by completing a great individual action, with ca أ ± oa Taynan including.
The dying dyes did not change أ³ and the rojiblancos did not stop putting the porter أ a defendant for Juanjo. Jesأ؛s Left y Moreamong others, they had them to turn the score but the minutes elapcur أ an without m أ، s variations on the scoreboard.
With something more than five minutes to play Javi Rodrأguez And entregأ3 Darأo Gil The player's goalkeeper shirt to have more posesi أ³ n, but the decision was bad.
A p أ © rdida of Bal أ³ n the exploitation أ³ Jesأ؛s Left To, from its track, achieve the 2-1 with the bal أ³ n entering the unraveling frame of the visitors.
There were 4 minutes and 28 seconds for the conclusion and then s أ ElPozo was decided to throw the rest in attack. Felipe Valerio REMAT أ³ Again to the crossbar and Chemi I intervened to shoot Darأo Gilthe same thing he did later Jesأ؛s Left -They of his party- A launch of Taynan when the bal أ³ n was already in the local framework.
It was the last occasion of those of the capital of the Safe to avoid defeat and the Jimbee, which was better, became a deserved victory.
Jimbee Cartagena: Chemi, Jesus, left, Mellado, Lucao and Waltinho -initial team -, Motta, Baby, Meira, Javi M أ Nguez and Amin.
Elpozo Murcia Costa C أ، Lida: Juanjo, Alberto Garc أ A, Taynan, Felipe Valerio and Rafa Santos -initial team -, give أ or Gil, Marcel, Ricardo Mayor, Gadeia and Leo Santana.
Rbitros: H أ © CTOR MAY L أ³ FISH AND CARLOS PANADERO D أ AZ-CONCHA, of the Committee أ © Madrid أ ± o. They showed the yellow card to the locals Waltinho, Motta, Jesus left and the coach doubts the visitors Ricardo Mayor and Felipe Valerio.
Goals: 0-1, m.8: Gadeia. 1-1. M.24: Javi M أ Nguez. 2-1, m.36: Jesus left.
Incidents: Party corresponding to the D أ © Time of the League in the First Divisi أ³ N of F أ؛ Tol Sala that was disputed أ³ in the Palace of Sports of Cartagena before about 4,000 spectators.