The أ§ bar continues to exceed adversities and this Friday expi أ³ by 4-2 to the ja أ © n for أ interior to avenge the two losses of this season at the Olive Arena (League and rooms of the Copa del Rey). Antonio continues from Dulce and Anot أ³ two goals to leave at 14. The worst, the red a d أ dac that leaves the team without goalkeepers … luck of the pair أ³ n.


(3+1): D أ DAC (p.), Antonio (2), Catela, Dyego, Sergio Gonz أ، Lez -Initial Scan -Tour أ ©, Fits (1), Eric Martel (1), Khalid Y Matheus. |
(0+2): Espindola (p.), Joao Salla, M أ Chel, Renato, Mati Rosa (1) -Initial Cinco -Dani Zurdo, Lemine, Alan Brandi (1), Attos y Carlos Sanz. |
The Barça painting faced the clash with eager to get rid of a 'yellow' set that does not go through a good moment and arrived after adding only two points in the last four days, precisely since they eliminated those of Tino p أ © rez in the competition of the KO.
Sin Miquel Feixas, Sergio Lozano, Adolfo ni Pito, The bar أ§ A complete أ³ one of the first round parts of the last times. The team is assimilating the philosophy of the t أ © cnico Toledo and hunting in the first place at Inter (one game less) with 45 points after the fourth victory followed.
Eric Martel and Sergio Gon in which the team has been thrown behind them with Antonio. The Jiennense and Dyego could not overcome Espindo in the first minutes of the game, while the collective work in defense prevented that visitors create danger.
Tour أ © did not reach a good send أ or of Dyego in the Ecuador of the first half. It was the prelude to three goals in six minutes. Cathela lan Antonio Empalm أ³ on 1-0 to go to 13 goals in the league. The problem is that the equipment is planted with five fouls in 13 '.

Eric Martel crosses a very sweet moment / VALENTأچ ENRICH
Again with Dyego as an assistant, Eric Martel culmin أ³ a wall to sign 2-0 in 14 'and link the fourth game followed by seeing Porter أ a. It was missing The goal of the night in a sensational petroleum jelly almost unintentionally to overcome Espindola in 3-0 (Min. 15:44). D أ Dac appeared أ³ before the break with three good interventions against Dani Zurdo, Attos and Renato.
The second part began with a shot by Antonio who was أ³ 'Espindola (14 goals already for the Jiennense). The 4-0 was broken أ³ with a deserved red a d أ dac that gave the alternative to the young Pau l أ³ fish and in that foul he arrived أ³ the 4-1 in a subtle touch of mati pink. With Feixas Ko until April, the subsidiary's goal points to the title against the clash prior to the Spanish Cup.
The Palau Silb أ³ to the collegiate and submitted decibels after a fault did not know about Sergio Gonz أ، Lez, who received a blow to the face. They did not stop the game immediately and urged him to get up. Those responsible for this arbitration course duty to put the head underground like ostrurts. Let's see if the thing changes without Pedro Gal أ، n. For now he is not doing it.

آ، qu أ © Golazo Marc أ³ Fits! / VALENTأچ ENRICH
Pau l أ³ fish responded to the shots of Joao Salla and Carlos Sanzwhile Fits did not reach a great Dyego pass in a against initiated by Matheus. Dani Rod أ Guez Situ أ³ A M أ Chel of goalkeeper and visitors cut the distances with a goal by Alan Brandi after a rejection.
The bar أ§ to suffered أ³. An excellent Eric Martel No success أ³ from Porter أ a Porter أ a in 38 'and then Antonio Sac أ³ on 4-3 between the three sticks. Pau l أ³ fish made أ³ an m أ © rito stop and the score does not move أ³. Great first part and problems in the second after the expulsion of D أ Dac.